I heard back from the Kennel Club and whilst Richmond is still to be officially confirmed – City of Birmingham has been and our judge there is Mr S Piearce. I was also kindly sent the 2015 list too and … Continue reading
Category Archives: Uncategorized
February’s “Kennel Journal” has now been published and shows Bournemouth Judge is Stuart Byrne. We are still missing judges for both Richmond and City of Birmingham this year. A few 2015 judges were published as : Blackpool – Kari Jarvinen, … Continue reading
Some Finnish news courtesy of Angela Cavill. This weekend is ‘breeders’ days’ for various Spitz breeds including Finnish Spitz (In Finland). On the Sunday is a show which is outside in a place where it is usually around minus 20 … Continue reading
Abby and I attended Discover Dogs at Earls Court to represent our breed with Abby’s Lightning and Beau. We had a very busy day, with many visitors who came for a variety of reasons. Some were genuinely searching the breeds … Continue reading
Do you have your views on what can be done to boost and improve dog shows? If so, don’t be shy – complete the DOG WORLD survey, either in the paper copy in the July 19 issue of the newspaper … Continue reading
Contrary to my last breed notes, in DW, May 10, the breed entry for Lucy Byrne was 14 dogs, the 15th having been bred by the partnership which includes the judge. There was one absentee. Subject to KC confirmation we … Continue reading
You will probably be aware that the Houndshow Open had to be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions. Abigail, who was due to judge both Finnish Spitz and Norwegian Elkhounds, had a phone call about the cancellation and so knew … Continue reading
The Finnish Spitz Society held their AGM this weekend and a number of new committee members and officers were elected. With the illness of Tony Brown, Rob Thompson was elected on as Treasurer, Clare Masters who had previously been co-opted … Continue reading
Please note – I have not lost my marbles! If you read the notes under the heading ‘Finnish Spitz’ in Dog World, Feb 24, you might have thought I was writing under a pseudonym, and the content was a bit … Continue reading
Thanks go to Irene Slater who has sent me the following report on a photograph competition held in Finland. Also congratulations to David Mortimore. “The Spitz Club of Finland has now published the 2011 photography competition results in its December … Continue reading