Please note – I have not lost my marbles! If you read the notes under the heading ‘Finnish Spitz’ in Dog World, Feb 24, you might have thought I was writing under a pseudonym, and the content was a bit strange for our breed. However, these notes are the genuine article.
If you read your copy of DW promptly you will read this before our day at Crufts, and by now you should have your passes safely, and have made all the necessary plans to get to the NEC. With luck traffic conditions early on Sunday morning should be conducive to an easy journey.
If you are members of the FSS you should have recently received your copy of the yearbook, produced by the editor who overcame printer and computer problems.
Recently we have heard of a 17/18 month male, said to be a FS, and probably confirmed by his microchip, who was taken into rescue as a Pomeranian. Unfortunately data protection legislation appears to preclude giving more information about him to Pom rescue. By chance an enquiry was received at about the same time for a dog, who did not have to be a puppy. With luck putting the two events together might mean a happy ending for the dog whose name appears to be Todd.