The Finnish Spitz Society held their AGM this weekend and a number of new committee members and officers were elected. With the illness of Tony Brown, Rob Thompson was elected on as Treasurer, Clare Masters who had previously been co-opted was formally elected and Brian Price joined the committee.
Annual awards were presented and are as follows:
Top Dog : Greaves & Croxfords Ch / IR Ch Kunniakas Look No Further For Whittimere
Top Bitch : Mortimer & Taylor’s Toveri Maikki
Top Puppy Dog : Rolfe’s Puulatva The Red Norseman among Inkivaari
Top Puppy Bitch : Littlejohn’s Pullatva Wee Lassie wae Arcuilean
Top Veteran Dog : Rolfe’s Inkivaari Viljamo
Top Veteran Bitch : Thompson & Cavill’s Ch Toveri Samppanja
Unfortunately the last win was bittersweet for we lost Ch Toveri Samppanja just a few days before this was announced. Apart from being an adored pet she was a great showdog winning CCs into double figures, a number of BOBs and won Res BIS at both breed club Ch shows in 2012. However her wins were outshone by what she produced. With only 2 litters (totalling 8 puppies) she was Top Brood bitch for the last 3 years and #10 all breeds in 2012 with 2 Champion Daughters, 2 sons on 2 CCs, another daughter on 2 CCs , and a son on 1 CC. She also has Champion Grandchildren and others very close to it. We have been humbled by the kind words, flowers and cards and appreciate how much she meant to everyone, not just us.