A week after Bournemouth and we were off again, this time to Welsh Kennel Club. It was raining, so it had to be WKC show. With an early start, being in the ring at 9.30 am for judge Ben Reynolds-Frost … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Welsh KC
Our entry of 11 dogs at Welsh KC for judge Mrs V Phillips was severely reduced by absences to seven. The result on the show printer’s website has been wrongly recorded (now corrected), and therefore in Dog World. Only a … Continue reading
I must apologise for the lack of breed notes. We have had a rather extended “holiday” and a breakdown in communications meant no news was forwarded. Sorry! Thank You to Angela Cavill who has kindly provided the following for inclusion … Continue reading
Did you find my breed notes in the issue dated Aug 23? They were printed under the heading Finnish Lapphunds, which I hope did not cause too much confusion among people involved in that breed. For the final representative show … Continue reading
The Houndshow was the first of 3 shows in 3 weeks for us and Mrs S Holmi from Norway had no absentees from her entry of 13 and added another 2 on to the list of Finns now sat on … Continue reading
Apologies for the lack of notes but it has become a real struggle to find things to report upon lately especially as the whole of July leaves us showless (or at least classless). This does mean that August will have … Continue reading
Apologies for the lack of breed notes but news has been very thin on the ground and what there has been has all been of a somewhat depressing nature including the news that the Crufts entry was the lowest on … Continue reading
At Bournemouth, I had my first appointment to award CCs. The entry, for me, was disappointingly low, but probably around about the average for all shows except the main ones. Unfortunately only five of the entered nine dogs arrived and … Continue reading