At Bournemouth, I had my first appointment to award CCs. The entry, for me, was disappointingly low, but probably around about the average for all shows except the main ones. Unfortunately only five of the entered nine dogs arrived and the owners of three have given their apologies for the non-appearance. Inevitably I was familiar with all of the dogs and felt that although the quantity was not there, the quality was.
DCC and BOB went to Clare and Brian Masters’ Toveri Peni, and RDCC to Tony and Linda Byrne’s Ch Kunniakas Kimi Possible. Not an easy order to choose as both are quality dogs. Only one bitch was shown, and I was happy to award the CC to Ch T Neiti, in the same ownership as the BOB.
Just five days later at WKC, the entry for Frank Kane was again nine dogs, of whom two were absent. DCC and BOB was Ian and Joseph Byrne’s K Whizz Bang Wallop, making him a champion. RDCC was Hannah and Rob Thompson and Angela Cavill’s Ch Kullervon Arras with T.
In bitches, with only two entered and shown, the CC was Ch T Pimu, in the same ownership as the RDCC, and the RBCC went to Tanja Mortimer and Calen Taylor’s T Maikki.
For a break between championship shows we went to Leicester City open show where Tanja Mortimer was judging. She had an entry of six dogs, of whom two were absent, in three classes, but obviously no entry in the puppy class. Interestingly, this society was able to award rosettes in the classes, which were not given at the two championship shows.
Both the FSS and the FSC have shows in October and it would be nice if our exhibitors could turn out in force to support their clubs