
Apologies for the lack of breed notes but news has been very thin on the ground and what there has been has all been of a somewhat depressing nature including the news that the Crufts entry was the lowest on record that I could find.

Judge Keith Thornton found his DCC & BOB in Greaves & Croxfords Ch / IR Ch Kunniakas Look No Further For Whittimere who was later shortlisted in the Group.  His behaviour was impeccable in the big ring and was a great credit to the breed.

BCC was Masters’ Ch Toveri Neiti. Res DCC was Byrne’s Ch Kunniakas Kimi Possible and Res BCC was Littlejohns’ Puulatva Minnie the Minx wae Arcuilean.

Best Puppy was Rolfe’s Enkelini Niinkaunis.

On a plus note it was very refreshing to have so many well tempered dogs both on and off the benches and it certainly makes for a nicer impression of the breed.

We now have a critique from Welsh Kennel Club but as of yet still no critique from Crufts last year.

There are lots of puppies now on the ground and I heard of more due. I do hope the puppy enquiries are coming in for others as they have been very few and far between at my end.   Hopefully we will see some of these in the ring later in the year and that will boost our entries.

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