These notes include a little bit of catching up as well as reporting on the more recent show. As secretary of the Finnish Spitz Society I was rather preoccupied with preparations for the Society’s Ch show held on Sunday 12th June, so have not earlier reported on the results at Southern Counties Canine Association show held on 3rd June. Our entry at this show, for Finnish judge Elina Haapaniemi, was six dogs of which one was unable to be present on the day. Best dog (no CCS) with BoB was David Knights and John Stokes’ Toveri Turo of Lelaps with my Puulatva The Red Norseman among Inkivaari being awarded RBD. Only one bitch award was made, with BB going to Clare and Brian Masters’ Ch Toveri Neiti.
At the Society’s Ch show there was an entry of 33 dogs for judge Cyril Gilbert, of which five were absent or withheld from show. The Society has for three years offered Special Award classes to be judged by a “learner” judge usually from the C list, and this year the judge was David Knights, who had an entry of 19 dogs making 20 entries. None was absent. In the main show both CC winners came from their respective Limit classes, and the RCC winners both came from Veteran classes. BIS was Georgina Honisett’s Valokki Vihtori Veli, with his first CC, who is usually shown at breed only shows. The DRCC, with RBIS and BV was awarded to Abigail Rolfe’s Enkelini Salama. In bitches the CC was won by Jo Mansfield’s Sukunimi Kyri of Yoivo, I believe her second such award, and the RCC went to Rob and Hannah Thompson and David and Angela Cavill’s Ch Toveri Piku from Hakojen. Best Junior Handler was Murphy Thompson. Unfortunately rain on the day meant that most of the judging had to be held inside the venue, although the initial assessment and placing of the Special Award classes took place outside, where they and their handlers all got a little wet. The general feeling was that everyone enjoyed all aspects of a friendly show.