
Since my last notes there have been a couple of events before the major show season starts. But, first a correction: I have seen Cyril Gilbert’s show critique, but recorded as having been for the wrong organisation. “Club” should be “Society”.

Blackpool show on 25th June had an entry of just two dogs for judge Stuart Mallard. Both were placed first in their respective classes, but the DRCC was withheld. The DCC with BoB and subsequently G2 was won by Robert Greaves Ch Kunniakas Look no Further for Whittimere. There was no bitch entered or shown.

On Sunday 17th July the FS Society hosted a Judges Training Seminar on behalf of the Joint Judges Sub-Committee of the Society and the FS Club. Ten candidates attended a very informative presentation on our breed, led by David Cavill with assistance from Angela Cavill. Following this nine persons took a test paper, which required about an hour to answer the many questions concerning the breed. After a break for lunch organised by FSSociety committee members, the candidates then had an opportunity to get their hands on five dogs and judge them, in as near as possible show judging conditions. The results of the initial presentation and the hands on assessment show how seriously and well the attendees viewed the seminar. I am aware of others who would have liked to attend the seminar but were unable to do so this time, but hopefully will do so next time.

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