
Two shows in 6 days and whilst the entries were at 2 ends of the spectrum, at least the weather held out for them both.

The Society were delighted to be able to have a Finnish judge for their show and he (Reino Korpela) attracted an entry of 33. I am sure we all would have liked a larger entry but having looked through the catalogue sadly there weren’t actually that many regular exhibitors missing. It sadly is a reflection of where the breed is numerically. BIS was Thompson & Cavill’s CH Toveri Pimu with the dog CC and RBIS going to Terry Dalley’s recently crowned CH Toveri Markku. Res DCC was Montgomery’s Pettukangas Karu for Toveri (Imp Fin) and Res BCC to Littlejohns’ CH Puulatva Minnie the Minx wae Arcuilean. BPIS was Thompson & Cavill’s Toveri Oona. During the lunch break the Society held Special Award classes for Judge Terry Munroe who managed to obtain 11 “hands on”. One dreads to think how many open shows / years it would of taken for him to have achieved that normally! I must say it was lovely to see so many people assist getting everything in when the heavens opened just after BIS. A true show of comradery which sadly seems to have been missing at some other shows.

It was then on to Blackpool with an entry of only 4.Thankfully for Judge Andrew Brace that at least they all turned up. BCC & BOB was Thompson & Cavill’s CH Toveri Pimu with DCC going to Greaves Ch / Ir Ch Kunniakas Look No Further to Whittimere. Res Dog CC (his 4th “on the trot”) was again Montgomery’s Pettukangas Karu for Toveri (Imp Fin). As is the norm for when Andrew judges – he posts photos of his winners upon facebook and it is always interesting to read the comments / spot the likes etc but it seems to have sparked some genuine interest for the breed which is always appreciated.

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