Southern Counties attracted a fairly good entry for Finnish Spitz, even without CCs. With an entry of 11 dogs for Finnish judge Pekka Teini, two were absent. This judge has judged our breed before at Southern Counties in 2009.
BOB was David Knights and John Stokes’ Toveri Turo of Lelaps, with RBD to Clare and Brian Masters’ Ch T Peni.
BB was Ch T Neiti, a daughter of the RBD and in the same ownership. RBB and preventing a clean sweep for the Ts was Abby Rolfe’s Inkivaari Helli at 11 years old and coming from the joint veteran class. BP was T Tosca of L, a daughter of the BOB and in the same ownership.
I am grateful to Irene Slater for the following: “This year the FSS’s championship show is going to be a bit special! Finnish judge, Reino Korpela was a long term committee member of the Spitz Breeds Club of Finland (SPJ) and is currently chairman of their show judging sub-committee. He will be accompanied by Johanna Peltokangas who is a current SPJ committee member and chairman of their youth sub-committee.
“They will be the society’s two official guests, but Johanna’s fiancé Mika Pekkanen will also be at the show. Mika is secretary of the SPJ sub-committee which is responsible for the Finnish Spitz breed (the SPJ organisation in Finland also covers two other native Spitz breeds).