The FS entry at the Nordic show on 22 November was 13 dogs for judge Mr T Ball. With six absentees there were just seven judged. I can account for my dog (he had a tummy upset, now cleared), and it seems that the other entries missed the show for some other reason – they are all owned, or co-owned by the same person. The weather was not good, so perhaps this did not help. BoB was David Knights and John Stokes’ Toveri Turo of Lelaps, and RboB/BOS was Abby Rolfe’s Inkivaari Helli – she is more than twice the age of all of the other bitches present put together – clearly our breed can be long lasting. The next show, and the final major show for this year is LKA, where 15 FS have been entered for first time CC judge (in our breed) Sue Finett.