The entry details for Crufts have now been published and do not make good reading. While overall entries are down on last year the drop is small, although entries from overseas are showing an increase from last year. Unfortunately this … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: February 2013
Members of the Finnish Spitz Society and the Club will no doubt recall that the Joint Judges Sub-Committee instituted a health survey last summer. The response from members has not been what was expected or needed to give a reasonable … Continue reading
Steve Piearce has sent the following for inclusion: “Nearly six months has now passed since the return date for the Finnish Spitz Health Survey, and unfortunately only around 28% of the questionnaires sent out have been completed and returned. However, … Continue reading
At Manchester our few FS exhibitors, relying on the order of judging slip sent with passes and probably knowing the numbers of dogs entered, arrived by 10 am expecting that it would be our turn in the ring between 10.30 … Continue reading