Members of the Finnish Spitz Society and the Club will no doubt recall that the Joint Judges Sub-Committee instituted a health survey last summer. The response from members has not been what was expected or needed to give a reasonable picture of the health of our breed and Steve Piearce has asked that the following be included here as a reminder and to give until the end of February to get some more responses. If you no longer have your survey form, I am sure Steve will be happy to send you a further copy. I can pass on a request if you need a replacement.
He writes: “Dear Club and Society member, nearly six months has now passed since the return date for the Finnish Spitz health survey and unfortunately only around 28 per cent of the questionnaires sent out have been completed and returned. However, what is of particular concern is the apparent limited response received from breeders. For while the author of the submitted details is as previously stated anonymous, an uncompleted Reproduction and Fertility section does tend to support this theory.
“This health survey is important for the breed and the findings must be included with the Club and Society annual returns to the Kennel Club, not later than July 2013.
“The Joint Judges Sub-Committee therefore encourages those who have not already done so to please complete and return the questionnaire to the address stated thereon, to arrive not later than Feb 28. Thanking you in anticipation for your co-operation.”
While on the subject of reminders, if you are a member of the Society and/or the Club and have not yet paid your subscription due at the beginning of January, we would be grateful if you would do so now. Club subs should be sent to Steve and Society subs to me.
The FSS website is now live, and can be accessed at