This is a bit later than it should be to report on the FS classes at the Nordic show, where the judge for our breed was Hazel Fitzgibbon. Our entry was just 14 dogs (one more than was shown in the catalogue as a very small number of entries did not make it that far) and of these eight were absent – in three ownerships. BOB was Hannah and Rob Thompson and Angela and David Cavill’s Toveri Piku from Hakojen. BD was Mr R Irmiger’s Sukunimi Leo. No RBD or RBB were declared. BP was Toveri Tuula in the same ownership as the BOB.
The entry for LKA has been published, and is 20 dogs, making 21 entries for Averil Cawthera-Purdy. I think, apart from Crufts and the FSS and FSC championship shows this must be about the best entry this year. I know there are puppies seeking their qualifications for Crufts, so I hope that most of the entry will turn up.
I have been able to get the names of most of the FS judges at next year’s Championship shows, with or without CCs, but still have a couple not confirmed, and I have been advised that we shall have no classes at Windsor. This is a disappointment, but our entries for the past few years have not been very good, even though up to the level of some entries this year with CCs. This will be included on the Society’s website which should be up and running very soon.