I need to start with an apology. When I wrote the Welks reports I got the ownership wrong for the BOB Ch / IR Ch Kunniakas Look No Further For Whittimere for he is now owned solely by William Croxford not as reported.
Following on from there was the National where 2 new Champions were crowned.
DCC & BOB was Masters’ Toveri Peni. (He won his first CC at Bournemouth under David Rolfe, His second at LKA under Averil Cawthera-Purdy.)
BCC was Thompson & Cavill’s Toveri Piku from Hakojen. (She won her first CC from Dolores Montgomery at the Hound Show, her second at the Club show under Norma Window).
Both were out of the late Ch Toveri Samppanja and it was quite an emotional time around the ring.
Res DCC was Dalley’s Toveri Markku, Res BCC was Littlejohns Puulatva wee Lassie wae Arcuilean. Best Puppy was Rolfe’s Enkelini Kesa.
Will Croxford’s CH / IR CH Kunniakas Look No Further For Whittimere was entered (not in the breed for obvious reasons) and came 2nd in the Champion Stakes.