
Bath had an entry of 6 for Judge Graham Hill though unfortunately there were 2 absent. BD & BOB went to David Rolfe’s Puulatva the Red Norseman Among Inkivaari with BB going to Abigail Rolfe’s Inkivaari Helli. RBD was Lindsay Phillips Enkelini Myrsky and Res BB was Abigail Rolfe’s Enkelini Niinkaunis.

It was then onto Southern Counties where there was an entry of 11 for Finn Pekka Teini with 1 absentee. BD & BOB went to Knights & Stokes Toveri Turo with Lelaps and BB Masters’ CH Toveri Neiti.RBD was CH Toveri Peni (again owned by the Masters’) and RBB was Abigail Rolfe’s Inkivaari Helli. Best Puppy was Knights & Stokes Toveri Tosca of Lelaps.

The Hound Club of East Anglia saw Ted Goodship judging and from an entry of 5 he had 4 present and found his BOB in Knights & Stokes Toveri Turo with Lelaps and their Toveri Tosca of Lelaps taking Best Puppy.

Next week see’s the much anticipated Society show where we have a Finnish Specialist and I understand the entry is in the low 30s. Time to pray for good weather as it is much nicer to be able to show outside.

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