
Oops – afraid I missed the bank holiday deadline so a little late on these notes – sorry!

SKC was Albert Wight’s turn centre ring to judge the 6 dogs in attendance and awarded his CC & BOB to Robert Greaves’ CH / IR CH Kunniakas Look No Further to Whittimere. BCC and a New Champion was Drew & Sue Littlejohns Puulatva Minnie the Minx Wae Arcuilean. She won her 1st CC from Di Spavin, her second from Jenny Startup. The Res Dog CC was a repeat from last week for Dolores Montgomery’s Pettukangas Karu for Toveri (Imp FIN). Despite being another 2 bitches in attendance according to the website results the judge seemed to withhold the Bitch Res CC. (I have since read the critique and the judge has now confirmed that.)

“Our” next show is Southern Counties where there are no CC’s for the breed but yet another super entry for the show of 11 Finnish Spitz

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