
Welks saw Linda Anderson awarding her first CC in the breed. She drew an entry of 11 and there was only 1 absentee.The CC & BOB went to Mr & Mrs Pierce’s recently crowned Sukinimi Koda with BB and the Res CC going to Thompson & Cavill’s CH Toveri Pimu. Res Best Dog was David Rolfe’s Puulatva the Red Norseman among Inkivaari and Res Best Bitch was Abigail Rolfe’s Enkelini Niinkaunis. Best Puppy was Piearce’s Sukinimi Antipodean Kiwi. I had initially put the low entry down to the fact the show was a “work day” but Birmingham National entry of 24 which is also on a weekday disproves that theory. Maybe it is the single CC that affected it but thankfully that will be gone by this time next year.

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