Although a little late, by the time you can read this Christmas will be over and I hope you and your dogs had a great time. My best wishes for a happy and successful new year. By my count we now have three dogs and one bitch entering the new year on two CCs – who will be the first to achieve the magic third?
At LKA, as previously noted, we had an entry of 19 dogs for Jenny Startup, making 23 entries. Unfortunately seven were absent and I know in one case it was because of a badly timed season, and for two others absence was caused by the need for a puppy to be collected on the day of the show.
DCC, his second, and BOB was Steve Piearce’s Sukunimi Koda with RDCC to Linda Anderson and Steve and Alison Piearce’s Sukunimi Haway Geordie, handled in the challenge by Linda who was able to do so for the first time for many months after suffering a foot injury – welcome back.
BCC, also a second, went to Drew and Susan Littlejohn’s Puulatva Minnie The Minx wae Arcuilean with RBCC to Abigail Rolfe’s Enkelini Kesa. Three puppies were shown, with Carol Wedge and Jimmie Beekie’s Hehkuva Sari taking BP.
Now that all major show dates have been published for 2014, I can report that if you want to attend the majority you will need to be able to have the freedom to go to eight Friday shows. These are all shows where we have CCs but three are still on singles. There is one Thursday show, three Saturdays, one Sunday and one Monday. These do include shows where we still have classes but without CCs. Also the Society and Club shows are all on weekend days as usual. The now defunct Kennel Gazette has not reported FS judges for four of these shows, so we can only look to the online replacement for further news. However, the CC allocation for 2016 has been published and it will be the same as 2015 when the single CC will have been consigned to history and no CCs will have been withdrawn. If we can support our show entries well enough we might stand a chance of retaining our CC allocations from 2017 onwards.