The FSS held its Open show at Corley Village Hall, when the judge was Hannah Thompson. As a breed specialist and breeder Hannah usually supports the show with a good entry, and it would therefore have been expected that the entry would have been reduced from previous years. However, the entry showed an increase over last year, and a reduced absentee rate, resulting in 17 dogs being shown. The weather was sufficiently fine for judging to take place outside, despite a short shower at one point, and the whole show proceeded smoothly amongst a group of friends. Once again we had visitors who are interested in obtaining their own FS puppy in the near future.
BIS was Georgina Honisett’s Valokki Vihtori Veli, his first such award, from LD. RBD was Steve Piearce’s Sukunimi Koda, who was also RBIS.
In bitches, BB was Abigail Rolfe’s Enkeli Kesa, also her first such award, and RBB Elaine and Greg Callaghan’s Sukunimi Elssa, winning from PB at just seven months of age. She was also shown in other classes and improved with each class, demonstrating that she did like showing after a bit of reluctance in puppy. BP was Brenda and Brian Williams’ Hehkuva Ruupetti.