Hound Association of Scotland schedules classes for FS, without CCs, and this year there was an entry of eight dogs, but four were absent, which presumably included all the male dogs. Mr B Foster awarded BB and BOB to Drew and Susan Littlejohn’s Puulatva Minnie The Minx wae Arcuilean, with litter sister Wee Lassie as RBB. There was of course no BD.
Already publicised in Dog World is LKA’s move to different halls at the NEC, which will be nearer to the north car parks, which have not been available previously at either LKA or Crufts. Also, there is news of the entry at the National, when 15 dogs are scheduled to be shown, after only ten at WELKS – does the single CC at WELKS account for the difference?
Furthermore there is news of what seems to be reduced entry fees at Blackpool, where depending on the show day entries for CC breeds will be just £20 to cover one or up to three entries for the same dog. FS are on a £20 day, and the judge will be Liz Cartledge. However, for those planning to go, please note that we shall be first in the ring at 9.45am.
On the same subject, I note that the information sheet which came with the WELKS passes is more informative than most, showing not only the start time for breeds first in the ring, but also the numbers of dogs entered in each breed, enabling some rough idea of the possible time for later breeds. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the same information for other shows?