Bath drew an entry of 7 for breed specialist judge Irene Slater and with no absentees she found her BD and BOB in Masters’ Ch Toveri Peni. BB was his daughter Ch Toveri Neiti also owned by Masters’.
RBD was Croxford’s Ch / IR Ch Kunniakas Look No Further For Whittimere and RBB was Rolfe’s Enkelini Kesa.
Just 5 days later was Southern Counties where Finnish Judge Tapio Eerola drew an entry of 9 with 1 absentee. Best Dog and BOB was Dalley’s Toveri Markku and Best Bitch was Masters’ Ch Toveri Neiti. RBD was Masters’ Ch Toveri Peni and Res BB was Mortimer & Taylor’s Toveri Maikki.
No definite figures yet for the Society Champ Show but I believe it is around the same as the 2012 figure which was 37.