
Welks drew an entry of 10 with 9 turning up on the day for judge elect Jean Lanning.

The single CC and BOB went to Greaves & Croxfords Ch / IR Ch Kunniakas Look No Further For Whittimere with the Res CC & Best Bitch going to Rolfe’s Enkelini Niinkaunis who was also Best Puppy.
Res Best Dog was David Rolfe’s Puulatva the Red Norseman among Inkivaari and Res Best Bitch was Thompson & Cavill’s Toveri Piku from Hakojen.

Despite the weather being dry and most of us hoping to be outside for judging – the judge felt it was too windy to be outside. Being stuck inside did however mean that we were all in a small area and it was great that all the dogs attending were on their best behaviour. It would be lovely to change the way people perceive our breed!

We now have entry details for a number of shows – Birmingham – 15 dogs making 15 entries and SKC 6 dogs making 6 entries.

A number of shows are due to close soon including the Finnish Spitz Society Championship show (Mary Deats) and Blackpool (Liz Cartledge).

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