Books & Publications

We have copies of “The Finnish Spitz Breed Standard Explained” book which was published in Finland by the SPJ.  The book was written by Antti Aarnio (former Chairman of SPJ) and translated by Angela Cavill.

Copies of our Society’s 2017 Calendar will be available for order and purchase later in 2016.  The 2016 Calendar sold out very quickly!

Finnish Spitz Breed Standard book – £5.00 – * SOLD OUT *

Finnish Spitz Breed Standard book    –  £5.00 – * SOLD OUT * "The Finnish Spitz Breed Standard Explained" book. Published in Finland by the SPJ (Spitz Breeds Club of Finland). Written by Mr Antti Aarnio (former Chairman of SPJ) and translated from Finnish by Angela Cavill. Paperback, 60 pages.

"The object of the book is to help the reader develop a clear picture of what the Finnish Spitz is and what it should be. The primary intention of these notes and explanations developed from the Finnish Spitz breed standard, is to introduce new judges as well as those experienced in judging other breeds, to Finland's national breed. The writer hopes that they will also be useful to breeders, exhibitors and owners who wish to understand the finer points of this breed."

Contains many colour photographs and a number of historic black and white photographs and illustrations. Size 17.5 x 25 cm. Weight 172 grams.


Information about ordering

FSS Calendar 2018 – FSS Members £8.00, Non-Members £10.00 * SOLD OUT *

FSS Calendar 2018  – FSS Members £8.00, Non-Members £10.00 * SOLD OUT * The Finnish Spitz Society produced this calendar for 2018 which is packed with photos contributed by our Members. The price for Members of the Finnish Spitz Society is £8.00 plus postage and for non-Members is £10.00 plus postage. * SOLD OUT * Remember to order your 2018 Calendar early! It will be available in time for our Open Show on 27/10/18.

£8.00 (FSS Members), £10.00 (Others)

Information about ordering