At Manchester show on the first day, 19th January, the top winners were both Puppies, although there were other older dogs in competition. Best of Breed was Karen Byrne and Angela Cavill’s recent import from Finland, Kekkeruusin Emma Through Toveri, also taking Best Puppy, the BRCC being won by David Knights and John Stokes’ Toveri Tosca of Lelaps. In dogs the CC winner was Stuart Hallett’s Sukunimi Otto, with the DRCC going to Robert Greaves’ Ch Kunniakas Look No Further For Whittimere, also Best Veteran. Our entry was 10 dogs, of which two were absent, and the judge was Mr Mark Cocozza.
In June the Finnish Spitz Society will be holding its Ch show on Sunday 11th, when our judge will be Miss Sue Finnett. On the previous day, Saturday 10th, the Society will be holding what should be an action packed Fun Day, at the same venue, Corley Village Hall, at which the Society would like to see as many Finnish Spitz owners as possible, with their dogs, and perhaps some of our members who do not yet own any of our breed. There will be some availability of overnight stays for caravan owners and campers. All we will need will be fine weather for what should be a fabulous weekend.
Last but not least, I have recently become aware of a bitch of about 6 ½ years who is in need of a new and forever home. She has not had a great start in life, having had four homes. She is described as friendly and sweet and a Honey (her name). She cannot be definitely identified, having no KC documents, and the age is based on her stated age when she first came to her present owner, who has not had her continuously throughout the last five years. She would need some TLC, and might be better off in a home without young children, and might not get on well with older dogs – best guess at present. She is spayed. If you feel you could give Honey a new home, please contact me In passing, she is not our Honey.