For the first Ch show of the year where we have classes, there was an entry of just ten dogs at Manchester 2014 for Jeff Horswell. Eight were present for judging and the single CC was awarded to Hannah and Rob Thompson and Angela Cavill’s Ch Toveri Pimu. The RCC was won by Pimu’s son Toveri Turo of Lelaps, owned by David Knights and John Stokes.
RBD was Steve Piearce’s Sukunimi Koda and RBB was Drew and Susan Littlejohn’s Puulatva Minnie The Minx wae Arcuilean. No puppy was entered.
Having reviewed my last notes, I believe I miscounted the number of bitches who have two CCs, and this should be two. None of those having two CCs at present was either entered at the show or able to add to the number.
If any member of the FS Society or Club reading this has not yet paid a subscription to either, we should be pleased to receive your payments now. Of course, many members pay by standing order, but until January bank statements are received early in February the treasurers cannot know who has paid in this way