Committee Members

The Committee of the Finnish Spitz Society consists of up to ten members. However, any member is eligible to be nominated as a member of the Committee.

Up to three members of the Finnish Spitz Society’s committee are also members of the Joint Judges Sub-Committee, with a like number from the Finnish Spitz Club, who are responsible for compiling lists of judges, holding occasional seminars for judges, and other relevant matters in connection with the Kennel Club. 

Here is a list of The Finnish Spitz Society Committee members for 2023/2024 as approved at the Annual General Meeting and Commitee Meeting held on 11th June 2023 :

Role / Responsibility Name Contact Details
Chairman (& Newsletter Editor) Miss A. C. Rolfe Tel: 01278 423406
Vice Chairman Mrs F. M. Ash  
Secretary Mr  D. J. Rolfe Willow Farm, Upper Dunwear, Bridgwater, Somerset TA7 0AD
Tel: 01278 423406  Mob: 0777 396 7035
Treasurer   E-mail:
Other Committee Members
   – Vacant  
   – Mrs G Honisett  
 Catering Mrs L. Morriss  
 – Mrs J Mortimore  
Trophy Steward Vacant  
 Webmaster &
Mrs P. I. Slater Email:

Mr. D. J. Rolfe, Mrs. P .I. Slater were elected as the Society’s representatives on the Joint Judges Sub-Committee for 2021/2022.