Finnish Spitz Society Championship Show 12th June 2016
Judge’s Show Critique by Mr Cyril Gilbert
The Finnish Spitz Society held a championship show where BIS was Valokki Vihtori Veli, RBIS was Enkelini Salama. Firstly I found it a very friendly society and everyone seemed to get on and enjoy the show. I know that I did..
Junior Dog (4) 1. Masters’ Toveri Teppo by Markku, very pleasing dog, good body make up. colour nice and went well. 2. North’s Toveri Tynni from Markku, North’s Toveri Tynni from Markku, very similar to 1 in colour and movement.
Novice Dog (1) 1. North’s Toveri Tynni from Markku, settled down on his own and went well.
Post Graduate Dog (2, 1a) 1. Hallet’s Yoivo Theodorus, again nice rich colour, new to showing, seemed to throw his right back leg out, but hopefully will grow out of it.
Limit Dog (1) 1. CC & BIS. Honisett’s Valokki Vihtori Veli, good tight body and tail carriage, moved freely, should go on nicely.
Open Dog (5, 2a) 1. Slater & Hardwick’s Ch Valokki Soren, lighter in colour to some, moved well, nice nature and tail carriage. 2. Dalley’s Ch Toveri Markku, darker in colour, carries a bit of extra weight, good square outline, moved well.
Special Beginners Dog (4) 1. Honisett’s Valokki Vihtori Veli, pleasing rich colour, moved well. 2. Ash’s Pihlaja Jani, lovely dog, went well but neutered for some reason.
Veteran Dog (3, 2a) 1. Byrne’s Ch Kunniakas Kimi Possible, stood and went well for a 10 year old, good condition coat, but front teeth not good.
Special Veteran Dog (1) 1. RCC, RBIS, & BV. Rolfe’s Enkelini Salama, again 10 year old, teeth good and body make up good, went well.
Veteran Bitch (4) 1. RCC. Thompson & Cavill’s Ch Toveri Piku from Hakojen, 9 year old bitch sized old lady in good colour and coat, moved out well. 2. McQuaide’s Toveri Neito, similar to 1, good condition and colour, stands, moved well.
Special Veteran Bitch (4) 1. Thomson & Cavill’s Ch Toveri Pimu, 11 years old, stood square, all her own teeth, good coat, showed well. 2. Rolfe’s Inkivaari Helli, 13 years old, still going well, keen to show, very close to 1.
Junior Bitch (1) 1. Byard & Greer’s Valokki Kuura, 13 months, happy youngster, nice compact bitch sized, goes well.
Novice Bitch (2, 1a) 1. Slater & Hack’s Valokki Kastehelmi, small bitch, keen enough to go, hope she bodies up and ges on well.
Post Graduate Bitch (2) 1. Piearce’s Sukunimi Tiger Rose, compact bitch sized in good coat and colour, moved well. 2. Howlett’s Hehkuva Kuparijarvi, very similar to 1 in coat colour and movement.
Limit Bitch (3) 1. CC. Mansfield’s Sukunimi Kyri of Yoivo, very nice bitch sized, very keen, stood square, goes very well. 2. Slater & Hardwick’s Valokki Tulikki, again two very similar girls, just not quite as keen as 1.
Open Bitch (1) 1. Thompson & Cavill’s Ch Toveri Tuula, pleasant bitch, went and stood well, happy little mover, nice coat with good markings.
Special Beginners Bitch (2) 1 Comments as previous.
Brace (4) 1. Slater’s, good strong, well matched. 2. Masters’, larger than 1, darker in colour.
Team (1) 1. Rolfe’s trio, 2nd didn’t want to put their tails up but they all moved in unison.
John Blaber Memorial (6) All as before.
Thank you for attending a very pleasant show.