
Unfortunately more sad news in the passing of yet another Finnish Spitz “Great” – CH Toveri Armaani – known to many as Mika. Bred in 1998 from a mating that was repeated 3 times – CH Toveri Ville x CH Toveri Pirtea from Santasepon he was a singleton puppy and went to live with Annette & Terry Dalley where he was a considerable winner. After the death of Annette he lived with and was campaigned by Payne & Le Mare before “retiring” to live with Dolores & David Montgomery in the lap of luxury.  I do not have his exact records but I know he amassed around 28 CCs and had numerous handlers – myself included. In fact it was due to him my involvement with the breed began. Sadly he passed away on his 16th Birthday. Our condolences to the people whose lives he touched – of which there are many.

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